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You have the power to change your life!

Start by creating your Dream Big Frame...


While my Grandma (and many other people I suppose) believed that heaven is a place that you go to when you die, I believe that heaven is what you create in your life right now.  Create a dream big frame and display it somewhere you will see it several times throughout the day.  It took me a long time to create my first board because I didn’t have a model to follow.  So I would like to share with you how to start. You may want to include members of your family or have a dream big party with your closest friends.  The more you talk about your journey to heaven, the more you will create it!

Click here to order your frame

Decide where you are going to hang it.  You want to display it where you will look at it first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to bed.  The measurements are 40” wide 19”tall.  Pay close attention to the décor that you have there.  Send me your email address and I will send you two files one for the horizontal boxes and the other for the vertical boxes so you can organize your "I Am" statements and pictures into a format that you can easily print everything you need to fill your frame.  

In the mean time you will need to do some thinking and soul searching as you write your “I Am” statements.  These are the two most powerful words in the English language and whatever follows them is what will appear in your life.  Let yourself DREAM BIG!  There is no time like the present what are you waiting for?

Mission:  Your mission is your purpose in life; it is what you were born to do.  You know that thing that comes naturally to you without much effort.  Example:  I am educating, empowering,  and inspiring people of all ages to recognize their goals, become the person they are meant to be and fulfill their purpose in life.  

Vision:  Your vision is what you have in your mind for your future because of your mission/purpose in life.  Take out your calendar and put a deadline to these things you see in your mind.  The next four areas will help with that.  Example:   I am constantly growing, learning, and changing. I am happy because I have balance and enjoy each day. 

Passion & Free Time:  This is connected to all the other areas of your life especially your vision and mission.  What do you enjoy doing?  Are you doing it?  What’s stopping you?  What do want to be doing in the next year or two.  Take out your calendar for the next year and start planning these things.  Example:  Do what you love and the  money will follow!  I am making a positive difference with the students, staff, parents & community at my school.  I am publishing my book, inspiring and empowering others on their journey to heaven. I am doing things that I enjoy to help me grow.

Connection & Spirituality:  What is important to you in this area of your life.  What do you see yourself doing in the next year or two.  Take out your calendar for the next year and start planning these things.  Example:  I am connected and guided to be who I am meant to be and fulfill my purpose.  We are all on this journey together to keep growing, learning, and changing.  I pay attention to the guidance I receive.  

Family & Friends:  What do you see yourself doing with the people you love?  What are you already doing?  What do want to be doing together?  Take out your calendar and start planning these things.  Example:  I am spending quality time with the people that are most important to me.  I am doing things that are fun for me, creating lasting memories.

Health & Fitness:  What are you doing to be at your optimum health?  What will you be doing in the next year or two to get there?  Take your calendar out and block out time in your day to do it.  Example:  I am taking care of myself by eating healthy, taking vitamins, and exercising. I am inspiring others to make healthier choices in their lives.  

Start choosing your pictures:  You will create two or three slides of pictures for each area four will be horizontal and nine will be vertical you can insert real pictures and pictures of what you want to create in your future this will be in the documents I email you.  Go to Google images then type what you are looking for.  Right click on what you want copy it and then go back to the power point and paste it by right clicking again to paste the picture.

Open the two files I will email to you, you will need ten vertical 4X6 pictures printed for your frame.  The center picture I have included for you, this is the Tree of Life.  If you don’t like this one go to Google images search for tree of life and pick out one you like better.  Your roots are your mission, the trunk is your vision, the branches are the other areas of your life. 

Save both power points files on your desktop.  Then go to file---save as

Choose your file name and then in the box below it that says “Save as type” choose jpeg

Click save and then choose “every slide”.

Go to the folder where the pictures are saved on your desktop click on all of them and then click on print as 4X6 pictures.  You are ready to put your pictures in your frame and hang it up.  Vision should be placed at the top in the center above the tree and mission in the center below the tree.  The other areas you can place in any other horizontal box.  

Here is a picture of my first vision board...

And the next one...

Everybody has a story, it's time to start telling yours!

I believe that everyone has a story.  I believe that each of us has a purpose so I invite you to take a journey through your life where you came from, where you are, and where you want to go because you truly can create the life you want.    I was inspired to begin writing when I went through a tragic experience which led to me making some drastic changes in my life.

To begin write down the year you were born and then the year it is now.  Breakdown the years in between, however you choose.  It is easiest to divide a piece of paper into decades to begin the timeline of your life.  I started with decades and then shifted to what I remembered as significant events that have helped me evolve.  For each decade write down the significant events or pivotal moments of your life, about ten per decade or one a year.  For some this may only take an hour, for others like me it may take months or even years to work through those moments in your life that have taken you to where you are today.  Start small find something positive you remember that happened each year throughout your life, yes there will be some experiences that have been negative but remember those have made you who you are.  Those times have caused you to grow and learn.  Little by little I worked my way through is as you will do if you so desire.  Once you have completed this task begin allowing yourself to think about the life that you want to create for yourself and others.  Begin writing about those pivotal moments in your life and suddenly one day you will be inspired as I was on how to organize them.  Write through the laughter and through the tears.  When you are learning or doing something new resistance from yourself and others (but mostly yourself) always shows up.  When you push yourself further than you think you are capable of going physically, emotionally, or spiritually you suddenly realize that what used to be challenging is suddenly easy!  Remember that who you are today is not who you were last year nor is it who you will be a year from now.